1) YouTube Channel of our build: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCljzy_YLDCEf9A3yhkuFYXg
2) Site and Home designer: https://homeplanmasters.com/
3) Realtor link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlie-probert-18199413?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3BXW25VajDRSaHJwiFE2Tl2w%3D%3D
Our focus during this pandemic and prior, has been to FIND a good build site with acerage and suitable soil for a earthen build. We have found this land in Mountainair, NM along with a wildlife conservation cause which brings together two important causes that will encompass our build, that of environmental building and wildlife conservation on the same land. Deer Canyon Preserve provides a one or three acre building envelope for the homesite and requires the land owner to leave the remaining acerage untouched and available for wildlife.